Leading Nutritionist specialising in female health, food supplements and corporate wellness

Rediscover freedom through nutrition


Nutrition consultation

We’ll discuss health concerns, analyse diet and lifestyle, and look at all the ways these can impact your overall wellbeing. Above all, I’m here to listen, support and motivate you on the path to better health.
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Female health advice

I will help you reclaim your wellbeing and find a new zest for life. This, in turn will empower you to embrace your relationships, flourish at work and even rekindle intimate relationships.
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Supplement advice

When faced with an overwhelming selection, how can you be sure you’re getting what you really need to improve your health? 
With no allegiance to any one brand, I can offer truly unbiased advice for the best possible outcomes.
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Hi I’m Suzie Sawyer…

Your body is amazing. Whatever your shape or size, it’s doing incredible things every day. Sometimes, we don’t feel our best. But by listening to our body, and learning about what it needs, we can make the change and unlock our full potential.

As a nutritionist, I’ve spent over 20 years motivating and empowering people to take control of their wellbeing through a comprehensive diet and supplement plan. The change can start today, but the impact will last a lifetime.

I look forward to working with you.

As featured in…


“I’m proud to say that “I’ve helped hundreds of women to reclaim their health and zest for life”.


How I can help you…

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Suzie in the media

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